API Reference

This is the reference for the utility functions that bsky-react-post provides for building your own post components or simply fetching a post. Navigate to the docs for the Bluesky theme if you want to render the existing Post components instead.


function fetchPost(
  config: PostHandleProps,
  fetchOptions?: RequestInit
): Promise<AppBskyFeedDefs.ThreadViewPost>;

Fetches and returns a Post, it returns information about the post:

  • post - Post: The post data.
  • parent - Post (Optional): The parent post.
  • replies - Post[] (Optional): The replies to the post.


If your app supports React Server Components, use fetchPost instead.

import { usePost } from "bsky-react-post";

const usePost: (
  options: PostHandleWithApiUrlProps & { fetchOptions?: RequestInit }
) => {
  isLoading: boolean;
  data: thread | null | undefined;
  error: any;

SWR hook for fetching a post in the browser. It accepts the following parameters:

  • handle - string: the post handle. For example in https://bsky.app/profile/adima7.bsky.social/post/3laq6uzwjbc2t the handle is adima7.bsky.social.
  • did - string: the post DID. For example in at://did:plc:xdwatsttsxnl5h65mf3ddxbq/app.bsky.feed.post/3laq6uzwjbc2t the post DID is did:plc:xdwatsttsxnl5h65mf3ddxbq.
  • id - string: the post ID. For example in https://bsky.app/profile/adima7.bsky.social/post/3laq6uzwjbc2t the post ID is 3laq6uzwjbc2t.
  • apiUrl - string (Optional): the API URL to fetch the post from. Defaults to https://bsky-react-post.rhinobase.io/api/post?handle=:handle&id=:id&did=:did.
  • fetchOptions - RequestInit (Optional): options to pass to fetch. Try to pass down a reference to the same object to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

You can either provide handle and id or did and id to fetch the post. If you provide apiUrl, then handle, id, and did will be ignored.

We highly recommend adding your own API endpoint in apiUrl for production:

const post = usePost({ apiUrl: id && `/api/post/${id}` });

It's likely you'll never use this hook directly, and apiUrl is passed as a prop to a component instead:

<Post apiUrl={id && `/api/post/${id}`} />